Autism TreasuresThis we know; there are countless challenges that arise in living with children with autism. Sometimes it seems our lives revolve around...
The Positive "What If?"The mind is habitual unless reigned in. Yet, the good news is that over time it will respond to the creation of new habits.
After Gravity…Before the StarsFeeling an urge for the magnificent, she closes the door behind and pulls her eyes up to the night sky. Trembling and deep, a singular...
RegretMy mother tried to tell me with her downturned mouth trembling at the corners, “I wish I had been better to my own mother. You will see...
Sacred MotheringI hover over, I cloak him in the sacred space as he sleeps. The troubled cough, occasional yet meaningful, bursting through the silence...
Standing on a Streak of Lovemy life is with You live in me in you come be inside me now i sing for you inspire all songs no whispers in other rooms can touch me now...
Not FinishedI am moving farther and farther away from my relationship with myself like a boat in the distance growing smaller and smaller on the...
It knowsmy heart grows to the size of this moment. it knows… it knows it is my lover. breath rolls in, softly out again. hand of this moment...
GapsThere is a little separation in her back joints where Africa and Europe used to be connected but now they are less than friends let alone...
Me Talking to MeNo caring No attachment Come into Now You are fortunate to know this. Bless others to know. When the opportunity arrives to share this...
Thought blot, Feeling FallThought blot of curious love for an infant sister. Feeling fall of sweet child love for every eye’s picture. Glimmer, then glide-- you’re...
The PhoenixThat which rises out of the ash of the old, that state of being that exists forever and always. A line drawn, a dot of color, and the...
The BoatBreath is the sail lifting limbs upward outward, onward. Deep, deliberate breath rushes into spaces where life has been forgotten. And...
For the Convenience of NamingSomething has disappeared that was no good after all. In a late night happy-tired stretch she sees she’s just the same she that she’s...
404 Sun Valley DriveSitting in the tiny living room, a breeze through the open windows, very little furniture, clean hardwood floors uncovered from the...
Head Full of Amazement“Knowing what is really important is the most important thing I know.” Says Herself, also known as Head. She travels along, constantly...